sábado, 3 de abril de 2010


Como inicio de la actividad vas a leer un cuestionario para completar y después poder elaborar una línea del tiempo y resumir la vida de la Princesa Diana.

Para contestar las preguntas consulta las páginas de internet señaladas y lee la biografía de la Princesa. Te recomiendo ir seleccionando y guardando la información que consideres importante para después releerla y aparte de contestar el cuestionario, escribir en la siguiente sesión una línea del tiempo o mini-biografía. Con esta actividad estarás repasando los verbos en pasado.

Al terminar el cuestionario aplica la rúbrica que se encuentra inmediatamente.


ACTIVITY 1. Instructions:

Read the questionnaire first and then check the next web pages about Princess Diana:

After checking the information answer the following questionnaire:

1. Where was Princess Diana born?
2. What was her real name?
3. Who were her parents?
4. What was her occupation before her marriage?
5. Who did she get married to?
6. When did she get married?
7. How old was she when she got married?
8. When was her first child born?
9. What was his name?
10. When was her second child born?
11. What was his name?
12. When did she get divorced?
13. When did she die?
NOTE: You can copy the questions and paste them in a Word page to facilitate your answers.
POINTS: _____________

4 points - If you answer correctly all the questions.
3 points - If you answer correctly 8, 9 questions.
2 points - If you answer correctly 6, 7 questions.
1 point - If you answer correctly 3, 4, 5 questions.
0 points - If you answer correctly 0, 1, 2 questions.